Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dems drop, "none of the above" gains

News item:
GOP within a point in generic ballot.: "Are Republicans winning the public relations battle over spending in the $800-billion-plus economic stimulus package? Democrats and Republicans are nearly even in this week's edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys found that the Democrats’ lead is down to just one percentage point. Forty percent (40%) of voters said they would vote for their district’s Democratic candidate while 39% said they would choose the Republican (see crosstabs).

This marks the lowest level of support for the Democrats in tracking history and is the closest the two parties have been on the generic ballot."

Comment: Too bad the election isn't being held tomorrow.

The Dems in Congress have dropped seven percentage points since election day but the GOP has gained just a statistically insignificant two points. The current mess seems to be driving many into the "none of the above" category.

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